- nanosecond circuit
- наносекундная схема, схема, работающая в наносекундном диапазоне
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
Avalanche transistor — An Avalanche Transistor is a bipolar junction transistor designed for operation in the region of its collector current/collector to emitter voltage characteristics beyond the collector to emitter breakdown voltage, called avalanche breakdown… … Wikipedia
Shot noise — Photon noise simulation. Shot noise is a type of electronic noise that may be dominant when the finite number of particles that carry energy (such as electrons in an electronic circuit or photons in an optical device) is sufficiently small so… … Wikipedia
radiation measurement — ▪ technology Introduction technique for detecting the intensity and characteristics of ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays or neutrons, for the purpose of measurement. The term ionizing radiation refers to those… … Universalium
Emitter-coupled logic — Motorola ECL 10,000 basic gate circuit diagram[1] In electronics, emitter coupled logic (ECL), is a logic family that achieves high speed by using an overdriven BJT differential amplifier with single ended input, whose emitter current is limited… … Wikipedia
Soft error — In electronics and computing, an error is a signal or datum which is wrong. Errors may be caused by a defect, usually understood either to be a mistake in design or construction, or a broken component. A soft error is also a signal or datum which … Wikipedia
Oscilloscope — This article is about current oscilloscopes, providing general information. For history of oscilloscopes, see Oscilloscope history. For detailed information about various types of oscilloscopes, see Oscilloscope types. Illustration showing the… … Wikipedia
radioactivity — /ray dee oh ak tiv i tee/, n. Physics, Chem. the phenomenon, exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element. Also called activity. [1895… … Universalium
Surge protector — A surge protector is an appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. A surge protector attempts to regulate the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or by shorting to ground voltages above a safe… … Wikipedia
photography, technology of — Introduction equipment, techniques, and processes used in the production of photographs. The most widely used photographic process is the black and white negative–positive system (Figure 1 >). In the camera the lens projects an image of… … Universalium
Rise time — In electronics, when describing a voltage or current step function, rise time (also risetime) refers to the time required for a signal to change from a specified low value to a specified high value. Typically, these values are 10% and 90% of the… … Wikipedia
Jitter — For other meanings of this word, see Jitter (disambiguation). Jitter is the undesired deviation from true periodicity of an assumed periodic signal in electronics and telecommunications, often in relation to a reference clock source. Jitter may… … Wikipedia